The next meeting for the Literature, Medicine, and Culture Colloquium (LMCC) will take place on Wednesday, March 29 at 5:30pm est. Because the HHIVE Lab is being renovated, the rest of our meetings this semester will be held in the Greenlaw Conference Room (GL 225). (We hope to return to the HHIVE Lab in the fall.) If you can’t attend in person, you can always attend via Zoom at our usual Zoom link: If you have trouble with the Zoom link, please email either of the Co-Directors.
For our March meeting, we’ll be discussing The Language of Trauma: War and Technology in Hoffman, Freud, and Kafka by John Zilcosky (U of Toronto P, 2021). Specifically, we’d like everyone to read the following:
- Introduction: “Literature, Trauma, and the Sign of Illness”
- Chapter 2: “Freud and World War I: The Uncanny Trauma of Contagion”
All members of the UNC community can access the full text of the book online through the UNC Libraries. We’ve also posted .pdfs of the book’s front matter (including the TOC), the introduction, and the second chapter on the “Readings” page of the LMCC website. If you run into trouble getting access to the text, please contact one of the Co-Directors. (See our email addresses on the Home page of this site).
If you have any questions, please contact us directly. Please also feel free to share this info with other graduate or professional students who might be interested! We look forward to meeting with you all for an exciting discussion of this work!
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